Monday, October 24, 2016


This past year has been a journey unlike any other I have experienced. I think the last time I posted was right before I had a skiing accident. And although the skiing accident only resulted in a torn ACL, I still found myself in a trial that was manufactured for me. After 7 months of recovery, I am looking into the face of another surgery, and although that is hard too--my determination to face it is resolute. I know it is through the Lord, Jesus Christ, that we can be carried through all of our afflictions. He is the answer to all of our trials. As we turn to Him, He will carry us. He is our balm in Gilead.
Through this trial, I have often turned to my scriptures. I haven't recorded my impressions as I did in year's past; however, the scriptures have truly been a source of peace that my Savior has offered to me. As I have turned each page, my spirit has been lifted and carried. I have found peace and comfort. I have been healed with each new realization. I almost feel saddened that I didn't record this journey as I should have; however, I do testify now of my gratitude of the scriptures. I am so grateful. So very grateful.