What do the thread and the
rope have in common? (Both are made of fibers or strands of material.)
How are they different?
(The thread is a single strand, while the rope is made of many strands woven
Explain: Like the piece of
thread, we are weak when we depend on ourselves.
However, like the rope, we can be stronger when we are
united with others in faith and righteousness. In his epistle to the Ephesians, Paul
emphasized the importance of “perfecting
… the saints” and reaching a “unity of the faith” (Ephesians 4:12–13). This
lesson discusses HOW as families and
as a Church we can work toward
perfection and unity by trusting in the
Savior, following the apostles and prophets, developing strong
families, and putting on the whole armor of God.
(List these four things on the Board.)
Explain: To
introduce these ways of unity, first we must talk about Paul’s instruction in
the first chapter of Ephesians where Paul spoke of “the dispensation of the
fullness of times”.
Read: Ephesians 1:10
Explain: In the
Bible Dictionary it reads: A dispensation of the
gospel is a period of time in which the Lord has at least one authorized
servant on the earth who bears the holy priesthood and the keys, and who has a
divine commission to dispense the gospel to the inhabitants of the earth. When
this occurs, the gospel is revealed anew, so that people of that dispensation
do not have to depend basically on past dispensations for knowledge of the plan
of salvation (See Bible Dictionary, “Dispensations,” 657-58).
Explain: The
dispensation of the fullness of times began with the restoration of the gospel
and organization of the Church through Joseph Smith.
President Gordon B.
Hinckley taught: “You and I are
experiencing the profound and wonderful blessings of the dispensation of the
fullness of times. In this day and time there have been restored to the earth
all of the principles, powers, blessings, and keys of all previous
dispensations” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1992, 98; or Ensign, May
1992, 70).
What blessings do we
enjoy in this dispensation?
Jesus Christ as our Cornerstone
1. Explain: Paul explains the difference in People who
accept Christ and People who Don’t as we read these next two verses, look for
those differences
2. Read: Ephesians 2:12
3. Read: Ephesians 2:19
4. Watch Video: A
demonstrations of these two differences—as we watch, look for these differences: A Secure Anchor
5. What impressed you about this message? What does this video
teach us about anchoring ourselves in Christ?
6. Explain: In verse 20, Paul explains how the people who
accepted Christ—as does this video—are built upon Christ’s anchor or cornerstone.
7. Read: Ephesians 2:20
8. What did Paul mean by Jesus being the chief cornerstone?
(A cornerstone is a foundation stone placed at a corner where two walls meet.
The cornerstone is essential for the strength and unity of the structure.)
9. How do we make Christ our chief cornerstone?
Christ has given us apostles and prophets to
guide us in this endeavor.
Read: Ephesians
4: 11-14
President Boyd K. Packer taught: “The ministry of
the prophets and apostles leads them ever and always to the home and the family.
… The ultimate purpose of all we teach is to unite parents and children in
faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, that they are happy at home, sealed in an
eternal marriage, linked to their generations, and assured of exaltation in the
presence of our Heavenly Father” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1995, 8; or Ensign, May
1995, 8).
What are some
teachings from latter-day apostles and prophets that help us progress toward
perfection and unity? Past Conference?
explains in Ephesians 4:3
that we should endeavor to keep the
unity of the spirit. As we unite ourselves with Christ, we do work towards
Unity between Husband and Wife and between Parents and Children
Read: Ephesians
What does Paul
counsel wives to do in order to create marital unity?
What does Paul
counsel husbands to do in order to create marital unity?
Spencer W. Kimball taught: “Can you find in all the holy scriptures
where the Lord Jesus Christ ever failed his church? … Was he faithful? Was he
true? Is there anything good and worthy that he did not give? Then that is what
we ask—what he asks of a husband. …
“… Can you think of how he loved the Church? Its every breath was
important to him. Its every growth, its every individual, was precious to him.
He gave to those people all his energy, all his power, all his interest. He
gave his life—what more could one give?” (Men of Example [address delivered
to religious educators, 12 Sept. 1975], 4–5).
If husbands and wives
relationships are compared to Christ and His church, what are some ways in
which we can build unity?
Read: Ephesians 6: 1-4
Tad R. Callister taught: “We might all ask ourselves: do our children receive our best
spiritual, intellectual, and creative efforts, or do they receive our leftover
time and talents, after we have given our all to our Church calling or
professional pursuits? In the life to come, I do not know if titles such as
bishop or Relief Society president will survive, but I do know that the titles
of husband and wife, father and mother, will continue and be revered, worlds
without end. That is one reason it is so important to honor our
responsibilities as parents here on earth so we can prepare for those even
greater, but similar, responsibilities in the life to come.”
“As parents, we can proceed with the assurance God will never leave us alone.
God never gives us a responsibility without offering divine aid—of that I can
testify” (Tad R. Callister, “Parents: The Prime Gospel Teachers of Their
Children, October 2014).
8. As we unify our
relationships with our husbands, wives and children, we work towards
Putting on “the new man” and “the whole armour of God”
1. Read: Ephesians
4: 21-24
2. What did Paul mean when he encouraged the Ephesians to
“put on the new man”?
3. Explain: Paul is now going to list characteristics of
becoming new through the atonement. I invite you to underline his counsel in
your scriptures.
4. Read: Ephesians 4: 25-32
5. What
are some characteristics you noticed?
6. Explain: Paul continues in chapter 6 to exhort the
people to become new by putting on the whole armor of God.
7. Read: Ephesians 6:10-12
8. What kind of spiritual wickedness do we face in
this life?
9. Read:
13-18 (Verse 13 holds a promise)
President N. Eldon
Tanner taught: President N. Eldon Tanner (1898–1982), First Counselor in the
First Presidency, observed that “those who are clothed in such armor, which
means keeping all the commandments of God, are able to withstand the
He continued: “Are we studying the scriptures so that we can increase our
knowledge and faith and testimony regarding the gospel? … Are we honest and
truthful in our dealings? Do we keep the Sabbath day holy? Do we observe the Word of Wisdom?
Do we pay an honest tithing?
… Are we virtuous and clean and pure in heart and mind and deed?
“Do we fight against the evils around us … ? Do we have the courage to stand up
for our convictions? Can we truly say we are not ashamed of the gospel of
Christ? Do we live peaceably with our neighbors and avoid gossip and backbiting
and spreading unfounded rumors? Do we truly love our neighbors as ourselves?
“If we can answer yes to these questions, then we will have on the whole armor
of God, which will protect us from harm and preserve us from our enemies”
(“‘Put on the Whole Armor of God,’” Ensign, May 1979, 44, 46).
What can we do to
put on this armor every day?
Personal Experience
with scripture study: Hailey going to which school and Amber explaining her
feelings of reading before school.
Video: Come Unto
Object Lesson: Oranges
CHART: Robert D. Hales taught: We have the
responsibility to stand strong with a shield of faith against the fiery darts
of the adversary. WE are role models to the world, protecting God-given,
inalienable rights and freedoms. We stand in defense of our homes and our
families…How will you resist [Satan’s] aggressive tactics? Put on the whole
armor of God” (Elder Robert D. Hales, “Stand Strong in Holy Places”, April 2013
General Conference).
As we put on the
armor of God, we will be on the pathway to perfection.
Conclusion: AS we trust in the Savior, following the apostles and prophets, develop strong families, and put on the whole armor of God,
we will be on the pathway to perfection. I know that our Heavenly Father does
not expect perfection from us. However, I know that He desires our best
efforts. For me, it means everything to know that as I strive to rely on my
Savior, I can have confidence that all will be well—no matter my imperfections.
AS, I trust in him, I will be on that pathway of righteousness, and all His
promised blessings will be mine.
IN speaking about these chapters Elder Utchdorf said, “Does the Spirit of God
dwell in your hearts? Are you “rooted and grounded” in the love of God and of
your fellowmen? Do you devote sufficient time and creativity to bringing
happiness to your marriage and family? Do you give your energies to the sublime
goal of comprehending and living “the breadth, and length, and depth, and
height”9 of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ?” (Dieter F.
Utchdorf, “Lord is it I”, October 2014).
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