Monday, December 5, 2016

Ether 3


In verse 9, the Lord explains that because of the faith of the brother of Jared, he was able to see the Lord's finger. He then said that "never has man come before me with such exceeding faith as thou hast..."

I think about my own life and my quest for faith. Sometimes I think I have great faith, but then I realize just how far I have to go. It definitely is a quest of a lifetime that I am willing to continue to endeavor. When I was newly married, I remember believing that God was there, and believing that
He helped His children; however, I struggled to believe that He would directly help me. Then, one day I was in need. I knelt down and prayed. I told Him that I knew He was real. I knew He could hear me. And then I told Him how I desperately needed help.

I had promised to bring a meal to a family in need that day. I had thought I had the materials to prepare the meal, but as I began the task, I realized I did not. I was without a car, and the nearest store was miles away. If I walked to the store, I would not be home in time to prepare the meal for the family. I searched through my pantry for something different, but I was low on groceries. It was at this moment, I knelt in prayer. I desired to help the family in need, but I had no idea how I was going to accomplish it without help.

As soon as I finished my prayer, I began calling people in the ward. I hoped to find someone who had the ingredient; however, nobody seemed to answer my phone call. Then while I was still on the phone, the operator came through the line (I didn't know that happened), and asked if I was willing to accept a call from someone. This person was in my ward. I didn't know them well, but I knew of them. I immediately accepted the call to hear what this person may need wondering if there something I could do to help them and curious to find out why they would use an operator to get a hold of me. To my surprise, this person was calling as an answer to my prayer. She said that she did not know why it was so important to get a hold of me, but that she knew I was in need. She asked what she could do to help me? As I heard her explanation, I felt overwhelmed with love and gratitude. I knew the Lord had heard my prayers. I immediately knelt down and thanked my Heavenly Father for hearing my need.

From this moment on, I knew the Lord was aware of me individually. My faith began to grow in this thing and it continues to grow to this day. Someday, I want to have the faith of the Brother of Jared.

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