In a previous post I compared Amalickiah and Moroni. In verse 7 the scriptures point out that same comparison when it says, "that while Amalickiah had thus been obtaining power by fraud and deceit, Moroni, on the other hand, had been preparing the minds of the people to be faithful unto the Lord their God."I'm not sure why this comparison intrigues me so much. Perhaps, it demonstrates who we can become--we can choose to influence others for good, or for bad. Or, perhaps it is the idea that the people in our lives can directly influence who we become. The stark difference between Amalickiah and Moroni seems so apparent there shouldn't be any gray area in our lives--we can either choose to be like Amalickiah or choose to be like Moroni. However, although I know our own determination to become plays a huge role in what we will eventually become--I also think that in order to "Become"--we must be diligent--keeping our eyes fixed on that ultimate goal. If we are not diligent Satan can carefully lead us way from the pathway with small, seemingly minuet transgressions. On the other hand, we can also form our lives into a life like Moroni's by small, seemingly minuet righteous choices.
The scriptures describe Moroni:
Verse 11: Strong Mighty Man; A Man of Perfect Understanding; Found Joy in Liberty
I can be more like Moroni by increasing my undrestanding through prayer, and seeking God first.
Verse 12: Heart Did Swell With Thanksgiving Toward God; A Man Who Labored for Safety of People
I can be more like Moroni by being more thankful towards my Heavenly Father--seeking more gratitude in prayer rather than seeking my wants and needs. I can also fulfill my calling by seeking the Lord's guidance without complaint.
Verse 13: Firm in the Faith of Christ; Believing that if He was Faithful in Keeping the Commandments, then the Lord would Deliver Them from Their Enemies (verse 15, and 16).
I can be like Moroni by trusting in God and keeping my faith. Trusting that if I do keep the commandments, then I can have faith that all will work together for our good.
I love in verse 17 it states, "Yea, verily, verily I say unto you, if all men had been, and were, and ever would be, like unto Moroni, behold, the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever; yea, the devil would never have power over the hearts of the children of men."
The scriptures then mentioned more men that were like unto Moroni--Ammon, Helaman, The Sons of Mosiah, Alma...
I want to be like Moroni. I want my name to be on a list in heaven like unto this list--not for the glory of men, but to fulfill my desire of becoming all that God would have me become. I want my children to be like Moroni too! I want us to seek God first in our lives.
As I read this scripture, my heart longs to become. My heart desires my children to also become. I have faith that the Lord can guide us. I have no doubt that we will have shortcomings and struggle at times; however, I also have no doubt that all can be made right through Heavenly Father.
As I was reading this, I felt prompted to memorize this scripture with my family. I think Moroni should become a hero for my little people, and I can help create that!
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