General Women's Meeting; President Uchtdorf
~Heavenly Father is not waiting to love you until you overcome your weaknesses and bad habits--he loves you today.
~It is good to remember that you are always a child of God.
~Being a daughter of eternal parents is not a distinction you earned or you will ever lose.
~You will always and forever remain a daughter of God.
~Your divine origin alone does not guarantee your divine inheritance.
~I think God knows something--we don't. He not only knows what is best for you he also anxiously wants you to choose what is best for you.
~By choosing Heavenly Father's path you lay a divine foundation for your personal progress. That will bless you throughout your life.
~In reality Heavenly Father is constantly reigning blessings upon us. It is our an umbrella block these blessing from us. It is the commandments that help us to close the umbrella. The commandments of God are not just a list of good ideas.
~The creator of the seas, and stars is reaching out to you this day.
~To qualify for these glorious blessings you must humble yourself exercise faith, seek Him in word and deed...,and resolutely stand as a witness of God in all times in all things and in all places.
~When we treat Gods commandments to check off..., we miss the heart of discipleship, we miss the growth from joyfully living. Walking the path of discipleship doesn't need to be a bitter experience. It is sweet. It is not a burden. It lifts our spirits. It inspires us with faith, hope, and charity. It lifts our spirits with light during times of darkness. It gives us divine power and lasting joy. Whether you are 8 or 108 there is one thing I hope you truly understand and know. You are loved. You are dear to your heavenly parents. He is mindful of you. He knows you. Yes, God loves you this very day and always.
~He knows of your sufferings.
~He loves you not for who you are this very day , but also for the person of glory and light you have the potential to become. he wants you to achieve your destiny.
~I testify the way to accomplish this--is to place selfish desires and unworthy ambitions on the alter of sacrifice. Trust in the saving power of Jesus Christ--in other words--live the gospel to the fullest.
I love how Elder Uchtdorf has a way of allowing us to know that it is okay that we are not perfect now. Heavenly Father is not asking for perfection, but He is asking to COME, to PARTAKE, to TRUST. I see my weaknesses, but I know that God still love me. He is reaching out to me today. He loves me for who I am now, but also for who I can become. He is stretching His hand out in anticipation of helping me to become who knows I can become. I love the knowledge that Elder Uchtdorf proclaimed when he said, "Heavenly Father is not waiting to love you until you overcome your weaknesses and bad habits--he loves you today".
I want to become all that God would have me to become. I want to BE HIS. I have the desire within me. I know that I must continue to be faithful. I must not allow myself to be overwhelmed with what I lack, but I must rather continue to push forward with faith. I must seek Him through my struggles, and allow Him to help me overcome my weaknesses.
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