I am touched the people of Nephi were so Christ like and forgiving towards the Anti-Nephi-Lehies. So many times in our lives we hold to our frustrations towards others. When we have been wronged, it is difficult for us to let go of that wrong doing. When the people of Anti-Nephi-Lehi came to the Nephites for protection. The Nephites not only protected them, but they also gave them a portion of their land. The scriptures do not explain in great detail what this entailed; however, I imagine that there were people living in the place which the Anti-Nephies inherited; therefore, I am confident that many of the Nephites moved in order to make room for the Anti-Nephi-Lehies. The Anti-Nephi-Lehies were Lamanites. These were brethren who had killed their families. These were men who had stolen their food. These men had done many awful and horrible things to them. And yet--the Nephites accepted them as brethren due to their repentance. This is a huge example to me of love and forgiveness. I am not sure that my heart would be so willing to love and accept. I think I would have struggled with not only giving them land, but then allowing my husband and sons to defend them after all they had done to me. When we hold onto the grudges in our lives, it only hurts us. Our spiritual progression stops. The Lord is our judge. He is the only one that has the right at judgment. It is our duty to love. To forgive.Description of Who I Want to Become:
A description of the people of Ammon (their name had been changed by the people of Nephi) is given in chapter 27. It states, "And they were distinguished for their zeal towards God, and also towards men; for they were perfectly honest and upright in all things; and they were firm in the faith of Christ, even unto the end.These people are quickly becoming my heroes. They loved God with everything in them. They gave up so much to be perfect in Christ--their homes and riches. As soon as they had a testimony, the did everything they could to solidify that testimony and live by the truths they now understood. God came first in their lives--even unto death. Their faith was unshakable. They chose the right in all situations. They were firm in their beliefs. Their minds were set on eternity above all else. I love these people. I want to be like them.
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