Faith to Move Mountains
Alma and Amulek had been in prison for several days. They had been beaten, and spit upon. They were naked and hungry. When they had carried this burden for several days, Alma said, "O Lord, give us strength according to our faith which is in Christ, even unto deliverance" (Alma 14:26). And Alma and Amulek were given power to break the bands which held them, and the prison shook, and tumbled and all that were inside died--except Alma and Amulek who walked from the rubble. "And it was said, "For the Lord had granted unto them power, according to their faith which was in Christ" (Alma 14:27).I like the phrase "according to our faith". It causes me to wonder about my own faith. Do I have the faith to ask a miracle from my Lord? What kind of faith is needed in my day to day life, and am I acquiring it? How can I increase my faith?
I want to have that kind of faith. I want to be close to the spirit just like Alma and Amulek. I want to be the Lord's servant.
I think of the moment in the New Testament when the man approaches the Savior to heal his son, adn the Savior asks if he has faith enough for the miracle, and the man answers, "I believe; help thou mine unbelief"(Mark 9:24). I think of myself similar to this man. I want to believe; however, I need the Lord to help me with what I lack.
I do have the faith that as I continue reading my scriptures, saying my prayers, and putting God first in my life, that when the time comes that my faith may be challenged--the Lord will have made my faith whole.
For right here and now, I do have faith in Him. I know that He is there. I know that He can do all things. As I read the scriptures, and as I read the words of the latter-day prophets, I know that He is there, and He strengthens me. I have no doubt that as I persist in these things, it will make all the difference.
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