Lynn G Robbons
Which way do you face?The Savior always told others to go and tell no one. Are we looking to be recognized by men, or are we facing the Savior and doing His will, because we love him?I liked this talk, because I felt it hit on some of my weaknesses. Do I sometimes want the praise of men? Do I need to focus my heart on what matters most to God?
I try not to do things for the praise of men, but I also realize that I do like compliments in my life. We are living in a society where compliments are handed out through a "like" button on the computer. Pictures are posted, and "likes" are received--self-worth is being purchased through these means. I evaluate this in myself, and I try to be careful to keep myself from this temptation; however, this still doesn't keep me safe from allowing compliments to go to my head. I like what Elder Uchtdorf said in his talk, "Pride and the Priesthood". He said , "When I was called as a General Authority, I was blessed to be tutored by many of the senior Brethren in the Church. One day I had the opportunity to drive President James E. Faust to a stake conference. During the hours we spent in the car, President Faust took the time to teach me some important principles about my assignment. He explained also how gracious the members of the Church are, especially to General Authorities. He said, “They will treat you very kindly. They will say nice things about you.” He laughed a little and then said, “Dieter, be thankful for this. But don’t you ever inhale it.”
That is a good lesson for us all, brethren, in any calling or life situation. We can be grateful for our health, wealth, possessions, or positions, but when we begin to inhale it—when we become obsessed with our status; when we focus on our own importance, power, or reputation; when we dwell upon our public image and believe our own press clippings—that’s when the trouble begins; that’s when pride begins to corrupt.
There are plenty of warnings about pride in the scriptures: “Only by pride cometh contention: but with the well advised is wisdom.” 10
The Apostle Peter warned that “God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.” 11 Mormon explained, “None is acceptable before God, save the meek and lowly in heart.” 12 And by design, the Lord chooses “the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty.” 13 The Lord does this to show that His hand is in His work, lest we “trust in the arm of flesh.” 14
We are servants of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We are not given the priesthood so that we can take our bows and bask in praise. We are here to roll up our sleeves and go to work. We are enlisted in no ordinary task. We are called to prepare the world for the coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We seek not our own honor but give praise and glory to God. We know that the contribution we can make by ourselves is small; nevertheless, as we exercise the power of the priesthood in righteousness, God can cause a great and marvelous work to come forth through our efforts. We must learn, as Moses did, that “man is nothing” 15 by himself but that “with God all things are possible.” 16 (Deiter F. Uchtdorf, "Pride and the Priesthood", October 2010).This is definitely a temptation. I need to be constantly be evaluating my heart, and turning it to my Savior. Am I doing things for praise, or am I doing it to build up His Kingdom? Doing things for the right reasons can make all the difference.
- 10. Proverbs 13:10.
- 11. 1 Peter 5:5.
- 12. Moroni 7:44.
- 13. 1 Corinthians 1:27.
Cheryl A Esplin
The sacrament provides a time for a truly spiritual experience. We receive strength as we strive to take the sacrament approximately.Remember the Savior's enabling power. We make progress as He enables us. As we seek Him, spiritual healing will come. There is a spirit that attends the administration of the sacrament. Comfort and Happiness comes to the soul to one who is worthy.
The sacrament tells us that He will always be our bread of life. The spirit heals and renews our souls. The promise blessings of the sacrament says that we will always have his spirit to be with us.
The more we ponder the significance of the sacrament... you will partake of His love, repentance, and hope. (Towards the end... reread.)
Chi Hong Wong
We can reach out and rescue. Mark 1-5; A man with palsy. This man had to wait for help. In our day, we may be assigned to go rescue. The Work in Saving Souls should not be too demanding. Every individual and every calling are important. We must work together.
Do we know anyone who is spiritually paralyzed by himself or herself?
When Jesus saw their faith, our combined faith will also impact the well-being of others. We can always help one another. We should always be anxiously engaged in serving those in need. Savior has the power to save and heal both physically and spiritually. When we assist him, in his mission of saving souls--we too will be rescued in the process.
When Jesus saw their faith, our combined faith will also impact the well-being of others. We can always help one another. We should always be anxiously engaged in serving those in need. Savior has the power to save and heal both physically and spiritually. When we assist him, in his mission of saving souls--we too will be rescued in the process.
D. Todd Christofferson
Who bears the responsibility that happens in our own lives?
God intends that His children act in accordance with His commandments. God will not live our lives for us, or control us. God does not save us just as we are. Just as we are--we are unclean. God will not act to make us something we do not choose by our actions to become. He loves us. He helps us. He guides us. The commandments are a real manifestation of God's love.
We can choose to become the kind of person we will. The gospel of Jesus Christ opens the path to what we may become. Through the atonement our failures can be erased. Justice demands that it can't happen without our willing agreement. Thus, salvation is not the result of a divine whim; neither by divine will. We can have faith in God.
God cannot be arbitrary in saving some and banishing others. He cannot look upon sin with allowance.
Because He is Just; He allows Mercy.
It is the requirement and the opportunity of repentance that permits mercy to not trample justice. Acting to repent is a self-willed. God remains it up to us to repent. Mercy satisfies Justice. Faith unto repentance brings about the plan.
In matters both temporal and spiritual the opportunity to assume responsibility is a god given gift. We must defend accountability against programs that would make us dependent. It's God's will that we be free able to rise to our full potential. This cannot be achieved by our own merits. We know that it is by grace that we are saved after all we can do. Divine help can be ours any time of day. We must exert ourselves, repent, and choose God in order for lives to be in line. Take responsibility. Go to Work.
Deiter F. Uchtdorf
Our ability to see the universe changed dramatically, and mankind was introduced to glorious vistas that we have never imagined. If we went back a thousand years and explained what we can see now, people would think we were foolish. These people would be mistaken even if they were well meaning. They wouldn't be able to see clearly, because they hadn't seen the light of truth. We seem to assume we are right, even when we are wrong.
The purpose: That God Himself Has given His Children that they can Know Truth for Themselves.
The everlasting and Almighty God will speak to those who approach Him with sincere heart and real intent. Ind reams visions thoughts and feelings. He will give them divine direction and answers for their personal lives.
God cares about you. He will listen. He will answer your personal questions. They will come in His own way and in His won time. You need to learn to listen to His voice. God wants you to find your way back to Him, and the Savior is the way.
First, you must search the word of God! That means reading and studying the words of ancient as well as modern prophets. Not with an intent to criticize with a sincere desire to discover truth. Ponder on what you feel, and prepare your minds. Let desire work in you.
Second, you must consider ponder fearlessly strive to believe, and be grateful how merciful the Lord has been upon his children by providing prophets seers and revelators.
Third, you must ask you HF in the name of His son to manifest the truth of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints unto you. Ask with sincere heart and real intent.
Fourth, If any man will do God's will, he shall know of the doctrine. Put the teachings to the test.
Fourth, If any man will do God's will, he shall know of the doctrine. Put the teachings to the test.
If you will do these things, you have a promise that He will manifest the truth by the power of the Holy Ghost. If you want to recognize spiritual truth, you have to use the right instruments. The more we incline our minds upon God, the more heavenly light instills upon our souls. The more we seek, we communicate to God and we receive more light. If we remove ourselves, our own light begins to dim.
The process of gathering spiritual light is a quest of a lifetime. I promise you this: if you do your part, it will come, and it will be glorious. Spiritual truth will fill your heart.
If you seek, that which seems distant, will become glorious vistas. This spiritual light is within your reach.
Elder Oaks
Jesus: A new commandment: Love One Another As I Have Loved You!
A challenge that is unique. Love is the essence of the Gospel, and Jesus Christ is our exemplar. His life is a legacy of ... (Monson)
It is difficult because we must live with those who don't share our beliefs.
Keep the Commandments:
The father of contention is the devil. Even as we seek to avoid contention, we must not compromise our belief to the truths we understand. There is no middle ground in that contest. The Savior showed the way with the example of the women taken in adultery. The Savior treated her with kindness, and also directed her to sin no more. A follower of Christ will be firm with the truth.
Neil L. Anderson
Why does God allow persecution? Opposition for things of God sends seekers of truths to their knees. Spiritual questions deserve spiritual answers.
The Savior Said: Bless them that curse you. Pray for them despitefully use you and criticize you. You may question what you hear on the news, but you need never doubt a testimony of the Lord's prophet.
A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit; neither can an evil tree bring forth good fruit.
Each believer needs a spiritual confirmation
Caution: you won't be of much help to others if your own faith isn't securely in place.
Challenge to Youth: Gain a testimony of the prophet Joseph Smith: 1) find scriptures that you feel and know are true and then share them 2) read the testimony of Joseph Smith in Pearl of Great or in pamphlet. Consider recording the testimony in your own voice. It will help bring a witness that you seek.
Tad R. Callister
A mother magnified her calling as a parent. Parents duty to teach their children repentance, faith in God, baptism, faith in Holy Ghost. We are the prime examples and teachers. As their prime gospel teachers, we can teach them of their identity. Give them a rock foundation. The home is the ideal forum for teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Mother was her prime Gospel Teacher.
Gospel questions at the dinner table.
Cards in pocket with Gospel scriptures.
Cards in pocket with Gospel scriptures.
One of the most meaningful things we can do for our children is teach them the power of prayer.As parents we can teach our kids to pray for eternal things. remain morally clean. courage to stand for the right. As parents we can teach our kids to pray in the morning. Which parent would have let the stripling warriors without prayer? Our kids are in the same situation, and need a sword and shield through prayer. Pray always that you may conquer Satan.
Teach our children to use time wisely. Technology can monopolize their lives.
Do our children see our best spiritual efforts or do they receive the left overs? Mother and Father will survive in the eternities.
God will never leave us alone.
Jorg Klebingat
On a scale 1-10 how would you rate your spiritual confidence before God?
The adversary knows that faith in Christ goes hand in hand with personal confidence that you are striving to choose the right. Satan will seek opportunity to tell you lies. As long as you allow these voices to eat away at your soul, you cannot approach the throne of God.
The adversary knows that faith in Christ goes hand in hand with personal confidence that you are striving to choose the right. Satan will seek opportunity to tell you lies. As long as you allow these voices to eat away at your soul, you cannot approach the throne of God.
Six suggestions dissipate these voices:
1) Take responsibility for your own spiritual well being, stop blaming others, and stop justifying
Spiritual confidence increases when you take responsibility
2) Take responsibility for your own physical well being. It can lead to lowered self esteem. Control our diet. Our body and spirit are combined in such a way that in can affect spiritual well-being. Spiritual
3) Embrace Obedience as Part of Your Life
Selective obedience results in selective blessings
When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. Abraham Lincoln
When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. Abraham Lincoln
4) Become really really good at repenting thoroughly and quickly. You should apply it often and generously. Care more about what the Savior thinks of you.
5)Become really really good at forgiving. Forgive everyone. All the time. Don't be easily offended. Don't hold grudges.
6) Accept trials, set back, and surprises as part of your mortal experience.
Acknowledge and face your weaknesses but don't be immobilized by them. The moment when you choose daily repentance, and by striving to be your best you can be, the atonement envelopes you. You can receive a remission of your sins every day and every hour. Yours is the privilege to come to know that you are pleasing God despite of your short comings.
Eduardo Gavarret
Never ever again follow the wrong voice. Yes, Lord...I will follow thee.
The Savior's sheep know his voice and follow Him. The Lord invites us: Come, Follow, Walk--it's an invitation to act.
Come Unto Me all ye that Labor and are Heavy Ladened...
I invite you to listen and accept the message by saying: Yes, Lord, I will follow thee.
We renew this invitation each week in commandments. We covenant to keep the commandments. Yes, Lord, I will follow thee. The rich young lawyer received an invitation; however, even though the invitation was simple it had sacrifice.
Am I making those kinds of sacrifices, or am I holding on to things that keep me away from Christ?
Can we follow Jesus unless we are willing to keep the commandments?
As you strive to come to Him, you will gain the power to make you happy.
The decision to "come" is personal. The fruit of our accepting the invitation.
1. Feed Knowledge
2. Pray
3. Obtain
4. Make decision today to follow: Turn knowledge into action
5. Persevere
2. Pray
3. Obtain
4. Make decision today to follow: Turn knowledge into action
5. Persevere
Elder Holland
We have been given a call to join him and lift the burden of the people. We need to help the needy.
What can we do? The master offered an answer:
When Jesus head was anointed prior to crucifixion: "She hath done what she could"
Cease withholding means, because we see the poor as bringing it upon themselves. But aren't we all beggars? Don't we all beg for forgiveness? Don't we all implore that grace? At least in our case... We obtain a remission by pleading to God, but we retain by compassionately responding to the poor who plea to us. We should also pray for those in need.
We can always pray.
We are to do what we can when others are in need.
I know that God knows what you should do, if you are consciously looking.
All who are physically able are to observe the Law of the Fast.
President Monson has done all that he could to the poor. Are you holding back? Are you giving all that you can, or are you thinking of yourself?
L. Tom Perry
Our journey through life has both good and bad times. How we adjust to these depends on the foundation in which we build. It is constructed piece by piece as we gain knowledge of His plan. We follow the Savior.
The only way to find lasting peace is to look to him and live. We need to fix our eyes on Him.
Matthew 13
We must never let the noise of the world over power the still small voice. Our challenge will be on how we prepare for these events. As members we have the responsibility to persevere and protect the family!!!
Let our example sustain and support the Lord's plan. Greatest teaching must be done by righteous example. Our homes must be holy places. The most powerful teaching a child will ever receive will come from MOTHERS.
GORDON B Hinckley: Mothers: Woe who make house a home make a far greater contribution to society than those who stand...who can put a price tag on the influence of that of a mother...we cannot begin to measure or calculate the influence of women who do everlasting good for generations of the future.
GORDON B Hinckley: Mothers: Woe who make house a home make a far greater contribution to society than those who stand...who can put a price tag on the influence of that of a mother...we cannot begin to measure or calculate the influence of women who do everlasting good for generations of the future.
The influence of women in this generation: The mother's of today have no greater opportunity then to strengthen the home.
Father: Father's give blessings and give sacred ordinances.One on One visits. Value of Work. Set example. Sacred calling most important is a calling for which you are never released.
A successful parent should never be too busy to capture a moment when an important lesson can be taught.
A successful parent should never be too busy to capture a moment when an important lesson can be taught.
We must instill an ever stronger reliance on the teachings of our Lord of our Redeemer. WE must build our foundation on the Savior.
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