Monday, October 13, 2014

Sunday Session of General Conference

Sunday Session

Elder Eyring

Receiving Revelation: 
Nephi said I will go and do the things what the LORD has commanded me
Elder Eyring's mother counseled him when he came home. She prayed for her son. She asked that he would hear her counsel. Miracle of revelation through his mother. The value of revelation depends on the ones being led receiving continued revelation. 

Doctrine and Covenants:
Let bowels be full of charity of all men and houselhold of faith and let virtue garnish your thoughts, then shall your confidence wax strong....the Holy Ghost shall be your constant companion. Formula for receiving revelation.

Heavenly Father loves you. He knows your name. He will pour out revelation. 

Elder Nelson

How do we sustain a prophet?
Sustain by not only the lifting of the hand,but in deed and in truth. 
Our sustaining of prophets is a personal commitment that we will do our utmost to do their counsel. We recognize their calling to be binding upon us. It is a sacred sustaining. It means we will stand behind him, we will pray for him, we will defend his good name, adn we will strive to carry out his directions as the Lord will direct... (quote)

We sustain 15 men as prophets of God. They hold all the keys. The calling of 15 men provides great protection for us. Why? Because decisions must be unanimous. Can you imagine how the spirit needs to be upon 15 men to bring about unanimity?

The church has been organized by the Lord himself.
President Monson said, "Age eventually takes its tole on all of us. We say like King Benjamin, "I am like yourselves... (Mosiah 2:11)

Carol F McConkie

The Lord calls prophets. President Monson has the right to receive revelation for The Lord's Church. Whatsoever they speak, shall be scripture. 

Sacrifice a starving mother. She chose to believe the words of the prophet. 

We have been commanded to sustain the prophet. We heed prophetic word even when it may be difficult or uncomfortable. Following the prophet is always right. Trust in the Lord with thine heart, and lean not unto thine understanding. For the widow of Zarapheth obedience to the prophet, saved her life. The Lord will feed those who trust Him. When we partake we are blessed, we are preserved. 

When we heed the words of the prophets, we build our homes on a sure foundation. We have a choice: we may choose to ignore, but the Savior taught that those who do so will be cut off from His covnenant people.

After several talks on following the prophet, I wonder if something is coming that will require great faith. My heart desires to follow all that God requires. I reflect on my life and wonder if I am following all that has been directed? Am I holding on to things that I shouldn't be? 

Robert D. Hales

I testify that we do what is necessary to know them, we will obtain the greatest gift of God--eternal life. 

The Father and the son are distinct individuals, but one in purpose. Jesus is a God, yet he continually separates himself by praying and saying he is doing his Father's will. 

When You shall receive these things, ask God if these things are not the power of the HOLY GHOST you many know the truth of all things. Heavenly Father wants us to seek this knowledge now. Remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer who is Christ...

We will not fail if we build upon Christ. He is the rock of Heaven.

James J. Hamula

The sacrament is given in remembrance of the Savior. To those who would signify that they sustain the Savior, spiritual death would pass over them, and eternal life...

This shall you always  observe to do: Sacrament--a testimony unto he Father that you do remember me. 

The ordinance of the sacrament has been called one of the most sacred and holy ordinances in the Church. it needs to become more holy to us. it is to teach us how to avail ourselves of his redemption. We signify that we remember the body of Jesus Christ. We signify our belief that the body was raised again. And taking bread, we acknowledge like Christ, our body will rise again. With cup of water, we signify we remember the blood he spilled and spiritual suffering he endured. We remember the agony of Gethsemane. the bruising, scourging, the blood from hand feet and side. His personal reflection: hard to bear you know not. We remember that his suffering atoned for our sins. Thus with bread and water we are reminded of Christ's redemption. Bread first, and Water Second. Bread--our own personal resurrection. All of us will be restored to the presence of God. The question for us: is not if we will live, but in whom we will live. Through mortality we all are soiled with sins. We will be unclean. The water: we are taught how we can become clean. He will make us clean if we repent. 

Through sacrament we express our commitment. First, our willingness to remember, and then; that we do remember. We are making solemn commitments of our Savior Jesus Christ. We further declare that we will keep His commandments. We recommit ourselves to align our lives with His. We declare that we are willing to take upon us His name. When we commit, we are promised that we will have His spirit to be with us.The Spirit purifies us. The most important event is the atonement of Jesus Christ. He has given us the sacrament to not only remember but be able to claim the blessings. The ordinance helps us faithfully endure to the end. 

Thomas S. Monson

We are all on a journey here in mortality. The primary purpose: to obtain a body, to gain an experience, to see if we would keep the commandments. 

We learn that decisions determine destiny. 

I am certain we left our Father with a desire to gain exaltation. He did not send us here without direction. He has given us the tools we need. To help guide us: we have the words of God, we have counsel and teachings of prophet, provided with example of Savior. We've been instructed to follow that example. 

What manner of men ought ye to be? Even as I am. Said the Savior.
As we look to Jesus, we can return home safely to live with Him forever. 

Nephi said, if a man does not endure to the end, he cannot be saved. 

Physically walking where Jesus walked is less important than walking as He walked. When Jesus extended the rich man to come follow Him... All of us can walk the path He walked, with His words ringing in our ears, with his teachings guiding our lives. We choose to follow him as we journey. As we examine His path: 

He walked the path of disappointment: Oh, Jerusalem. 

He walked the path of temptation

He walked the path of pain

Each of us who walks the path of disappointment, the path of temptation, the path of pain. 

We, with Jesus, can walk the path of obedience. Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice. The end result of disobedience is captivity and death. 

We can walk the path of service, like Jesus. 

We can walk the path of prayer.

Let our lights shine. Be morally clean in thoughts and actions. Lay up treasures in Heaven. Teaches us to love, and serve others. Talents: improve ourselves. Sheep: go to the rescue. As we strive to put Christ, at center of our lives, by learning his words, following His path--eternal life. There is no higher end than this. 

We too, can have the spirit of goodness as we walk the path of our Savior. Ponder the path of your feet. We will have the desire to walk the path that Jesus walked. 

M. Russell Ballard

1) Stay in The Boat
2) Wear a Life Jacket
3) Hang on with Both Hands

White water trip can be metaphorically like the rapids of White Water.
The Lord has provided a boat, supplies, and river guides on our way down the river of life. 

God is at the helm of the old ship Zion. 
1) Stay on the Boat

How do we stay?
We need to experience a continuing conversion by increasing faith to the Gospel Jesus Christ. Alma 5: Can you feel so now?
The guides of today can be likened unto the apostles, prophets, and leaders...

Leaders will not and cannot lead you astray. 
Those who become lost and confused, they forget that the first presidency and quorum of the 12 speak the will of the LORD. ...whether it be my voice, or the voice of my servants--it is the same (D&C); church leaders have been tutored. And tutored by the Lord himself. 

There is something about the individual and combined experiences of church leaders. They have experienced it all. We are not out of touch with your lives.

Rule #2 and #3 Life Jacket and Hold On
The scriptures will help us hold on with both hands. we need to become like the stripling warriors by searching the scriptures diligently and the words of past and present apostles. Loving the words of Christ. In addition we need to be like the sons of Mosiah, and give ourselves to much prayer and fasting. Stay focused on the simple things, and avoid becoming distracted. Those people who haven't held on with both hands, many have them have lost their focused on the central truths of the Gospel. Joseph Smith taught, the fundamental truths of our the religion are the testimonies of the apostles that He died--all other things are appendages. Wherefore, ye must push ... 2 Nephi 

Sometimes we focus on the appendages instead of the fundamental principles. Satan tempts us to become distracted. 

The important question is to focus on what matters most. Our church should lead us to become kind, dedicated disciples. To bear another burdens means: helping, supporting, ...


Richard G. Scott

Adam and Eve took of the fruit: We are able to feel peace because we feel turmoil. The atonement helps us to feel peace. Each of us is aware of our own struggles and trials. Our purpose in coming here is to be tested, tried, and stretched. We woudl face evils of the adversary. We may feel more aware of the negative things of mortality then of the positive. LEhi taught tha there must be an opposition in all things. Despite all of teh negative, we must take time to actively exercise our faith. Such exercise invites teh postive atonement into our lives. Our Father has given us tools to help us come unto Christ, when these tools become habbits, they provide the easiest way to find peace in mortality. 

Four Tools in helping us:

1) Prayer: Choose to converse with Father in Heaven Often. Share him your thoughts and feelings. Tell him everything that concerns you.Mundane facets and most important. Share with Him your feelings. He will never force you to pray, but as you exercise that agency, and include Him--your heart will feel peace. BUOYANT Peace! It will help youto manage those challenges from an eternal perspective.

Parents: safe guard your family with family prayer! Protect them with family prayer. It should be a non-negotiable priority. 

2) Study the Word of God in Scriptures and Words of Living Prophets: He most often communicates through His written word. Read His Word. Study and Ponder the scriptures. An integral part of every day life. You must study the scriptures if you want your children to understand the spirit. Feasting on scriptures is more important then sleep, school work, television, ... Many prophetic promises: As you dedicate time every day, personally, with family to study God's word, peace will prevail in your life. Peace won't come from outside world, it will come from within. It will be a gift of the Spirit. It will radiate out to you. 

challenges are important part of mortality: you will find peace and ability to resist temptation, you will experience faith, and know that all will be right according to God's time through the atonement. 

3) Weekly FHE: Decide that on Monday Night, your family will be together. Do not let extra-curricular or anything else become more important then that time you spend together at home with your family. It should be taught both formally and informally. It is a precious time to bear testimony in a safe environment. To strengthen family bonds. To develop family traditions. To talk to each other. To have a marvelous time together.

Sister Reeves said, These are the very practices that help take away stress, give direction...and add protection to our home. 

4) Go to the Temple
Use your recommend often. Listen to the words of ordinances. Ponder them. Pray about them. The temple is the best way to understand the power of the atonement of Jesus Christ. Many more blessings come from providing your own family names. Fundamental habits for securing the atonement in your life. 

When we are doing these things, we are actively coming unto Christ. We exercise our agency to access the atonement. The atonement makes it possible. As we come unto him we can endure every challenge.

Carlos A. Godoy

Uchtdorf has said, Through years in serving the Lord, the difference in happiness often comes down to an error of only a few degrees.

If you continue to live as you are living, Will the blessings in your patriarchal blessing be fulfilled? I never evaluated how I was living. After some pondering I felt some changes were necessary. It wasn't a decision between what was right and wrong. It was between good or better. As Elder Oaks talked. 

How can we ensure we are making the best decision:
1) We need to consider our options with the end in mind: Understanding who we are and why we are here will help give us the broader vision that we need. What does the Lord expect from each one of us: we have inspired leaders, temple, personal revelation, scriptures 

2) We need to be prepared for the challenges that will come. The best path in life are often not the easiest. Are we willing to pay the price for our decisions? Are we willing to expand outside of our comfort zones for a better place? We are children of almighty God. He loves us. He has a plan for us. He wants us to grow and achieve our potential. Each of us has the opportunity for us to learn and to grow.

3) We need to share this vision with the people we love.

Just because things are going well, we should from time to time evaluate whether or not there are more things for us to consider.

Allan F. Packer

As we work on exaltation, we cannot come distracted by other things. If we needed, we must be willing to change. 

The plan of salvation includes all of items needed for exaltation: 

The church helps but cannot do it for us. It becomes a quest of a lifetime. 

God set the requirements for exaltation. 

The family is the center of the Plan of Salvation. Family History and Temple Work has been increased by our brethren. Your response will... (check)

We cannot be made perfect without our ancestors neither can they without us. Family History also includes the present as we record our own. Quenton L. Cook said  it is much easier. It is dependent on the members willing to do it. To assist members it can now be done in our own homes. Most obstacles have been removed. One obstacle: an individual's hesitation to do the work. Make the decision to take a step. The names you find will become the records for "The Book". We need to have a change in our priorities. We need to find our family. 

Elder Bednar has promised that you will be protected against the adversary as you participate in this holy work. 

We must not sacrifice our exaltation. 

Hugo E Martinez

The savior focuses on the individual and the family. He recognizes the worth of each of His Father's children. And each individual is ministered and strengthened. Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God... D&C

Every soul is of great worth to our Heavenly Father. 

The teachings of the Lord shows us the way. Linda K. Burton said, "First observe, then serve." President Monson is a great example of this. 

Go and do Thou Likewise is the word of our Lord to us. Are we going? 

Being a good example of a disciple of Jesus Christ. AS we open our mouths, we become His undershephards. We come the simple fishers of men. Our service and personal ministry are not limited to those on this Earth. We can also do work for the dead. We can also keep a journal and record our own personal history. Its all about linking our family. We become Saviors on Mount Zion.

Larry S. Kacher

There are many currents in this earthly life.There are powerful forces in our own lives. These forces are real. We should never ignore them. There is opposition in all things. 

Wiser for man to accept simple truths of Gospel, and accept by faith the things we may not understand. By asking sincere questions, we learn line upon line. There is room for honest inquiry. We turn to truth to our God. 

Ask Heavenly Father for answers and not secular answers. 

Our choices affect not only us, but others as well. Are the currents we choose to follow important? Do your examples matter? Are my decisions firmly planted in the rich soil of the Gospel of Jesus Christ? 

David A. Bednar

Why are Latter-day Saints so Eager to tell me about what they believe? Every one who follows Jesus Christ wants to share it. 

Bring all that you know, and test this message. We invite you to come and see. We feel a solemn responsibility to carry this message. 

Our desire is a reflection of how important these truths are to us. 

We want to give to those what benefits us. Many of us act in the same way when we find something that helps us. Sharing with other people what has helped us is not unusual. 

Lehi's instant response of partaking of the fruit was a desire to share with his family.

Absolute truth exists. We witness He lives. The invitation grow out of positive effects of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Come and See. 

Thomas S. Monson

May we remember the elderly.
Follow the mandate to suffer the weak.
May we be people of honesty and integrity.
May we be faithful followers of Christ examples of righteousness.
Thank you for your prayers in my behalf. 
May we all ponder the truths we've heard. 

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